The official language of the Symposium is English.

ISME Symposia are open to everyone with an interest in Microbial Ecology. The symposia usually attract 1500-2500 delegates, representing over 50 countries.

All participants must submit a completed registration form (online), which will be open from January 2018 onwards. 

The average temperature in August is 20 degrees Celsius with an average rainfall of 63.1 mm. 

Clothing is informal for all occasions. 

Time Zone   
Leipzig uses Central European Summer Time in August (CEST). This time zone is +2 hours Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+2).

Convention Center
The symposium will take place in the Congress Center Leipzig (CCL) - Messe-Allee 1, 04356 Leipzig, Germany. Map

ISME does not include lunches with its registration fee. The conference center will offer lunch, and there are a couple simple restaurants and a large supermarket within walking distance . 

There will be an ISME17 app available for download in iTunes and in Google Play. This app is part of the ISME society app. It will be launched in March 2018.

Wi-Fi is free of charge for all participants. 

More Symposium Information
To learn more about our symposium, please find more detailed information in the ISME16 report. 

Nursing room
There will be a nursing/lactation room available on the 2nd floor of the conference center.

Child Care
There will be childcare services available at the conference centre. If you are interested in childcare services during the conference hours then please send us an e-mail with your details and the age of your child(ren) to submissions at